Go to Valley Regional Medical Center

Supporting a loved one with diabetes

Diabetes affects almost ten percent of the U.S. population, including children, and managing the disease can be an overwhelming task. Any assistance a loved one can provide makes a huge difference. Below are a few ways you can offer your aid if you have a loved one suffering from diabetes.

Create routines and plans

Help them create a diet plan and exercise regimen. Diet and exercise play a crucial role in managing diabetes. You can also offer to cook healthy meals for them or exercise with them.

Be patient

Again, suffering from diabetes can be overwhelming, and lifestyle changes don't happen overnight. Always be sympathetic and avoid nagging, as it will only lead to more frustration.

Offer reminders

Remind them to take their medication and check their blood sugar regularly. Adding tasks to a daily routine can be difficult to remember in the beginning, but monitoring blood sugar and medication is life-saving.

Be there

Accompany them to doctors' appointments. You show your support just by being there, and you can also hear any recommendations or requests the provider may have. Offer to schedule appointments or keep a log of concerns you or your loved one have throughout the week and discuss them with the physician.

Understand the basics

Be knowledgeable on the disease. Understanding the side effects, challenges and treatments associated with diabetes is essential when caring for a loved one with the disease.

You can do a lot for someone with diabetes by helping them find the routines, care and system that works for them. Even though they have a common disease, they are a unique person with unique needs. What helps them remember to take medication or process their emotions once diagnosed is going to be very different depending on who they are. Make an effort to be adaptable to their needs and to try new things if the current system just isn’t working.