ER wait times are approximate and provided for informational purposes only. If you are having a medical emergency, call 911.
About Our Average ER Wait Times
The ER wait time represents the time it takes to see a qualified medical professional, defined as a Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Physician Assistant (PA) or Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP).
ER wait times represent a four-hour rolling average updated every 30 minutes, and is defined as the time of patient arrival until the time the patient is greeted by a qualified medical professional. Patients are triaged at arrival and are then seen by a qualified medical professional in priority order based on their presenting complaint and reason for visit.
Your ER Wait Time is Important To Us Too
It isn’t easy to wait during an emergency medical situation, and we understand that not knowing what to expect can make it even harder. Our ER keeps the average ER wait times posted on our website to make sure you have some idea of what to expect when you arrive. When you get to the ER, we will make sure you’re treated and seen as quickly as possible according to factors that include the severity of your symptoms, your vital signs stability, and your arrival time. We know every second counts, and that’s why our ER wait times are under 15 minutes on average, meaning you get to see the doctor shortly after you arrive. We’ll also keep you updated on changes that impact your wait time, and be sure you are as comfortable as possible if you do have to wait.